We want to inform you of the actions we’re taking to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 at Verona Vision Care. We are taking extra precautions to strictly maintain the high standards of cleanliness at Verona Vision Care, and we are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (see infographic below).
Although cleanliness has always been one of our priorities since we deal with contagious eye infections on a regular basis at Verona Vision Care, we have implemented the following changes:
- In an office where our culture revolves around handshakes and hugs, we will be adhering to a strict at most ‘elbow bump’ protocol.
- In addition, we will be frequently washing hands and at the very least using hand sanitizer before and after every patient encounter.
- Extra hand sanitizer has been placed in our optical and patient waiting areas.
- All magazines have been removed from our optical and waiting areas.
- All optical frames are being cleaned after each patient.
- If any of us are feeling ill, we will be staying home.
What we are asking you, our patients and customers, to help us keep you and us healthy;
- If you are sick or have been exposed to anyone who is sick, we kindly ask you to reschedule your appointment. Appointments can be rescheduled by calling us at (608) 848-5168.
- Please utilize hand sanitizer, or wash your hands while you are in the practice.
- Please help us in our virtual handshake protocol.
During this time, it’s important to remember to focus on things we can control. Taking measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is important for the welfare of our staff, patients and community. For information and updates on COVID-19, we recommend reviewing the information shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Instituting these higher standards will help aid in the health and safety for you, our community and our entire team at Verona Vision Care. As always, we are honored to be a health care partner with each of you.
The Doctors and Staff at Verona Vision Care