Unique Eyewear & Eye Care: Serving Families
in Verona & Surrounding Areas

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Unique Experiences & Quality Care

Caring for your eyes is our passion, but what really matters to us is helping people. We believe every patient should feel heard and treated with kindness. Creating fun and educational experiences is what sets us apart.

We’re here to help you achieve clear vision and maintain eye health at every stage of life. Our mission is to help you experience all the visual wonders the world has to offer, free from obstacles like dry eyes, digital eye strain, and blurry vision.

Whether you’re exploring our trendy eyewear, updating your contact lenses, or seeking emergency eye care, we’re dedicated to serving you and your family in Verona, Madison, Fitchburg, Belleville, Paoli or wherever you are located.

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Uncomfortable Eyes? We Can Help.

How your eyes feel plays a crucial role in your vision and overall eye health.

If you’re experiencing scratchy, burning, tired, or red eyes, it could be a sign of chronic dry eye. Even with eye drops, the dryness can linger and make it hard to go about your day. And poor screen habits can strain your eyes, leading to fatigue, blurry vision, and even headaches.

We’re here to help you find long-lasting relief from eye discomfort, no matter what’s causing it, right here in Verona.

OptiLIGHT by Lumenis
Digital Eye Strain

Our Location

You can find our building on South Main St, between W. Railroad St and Paoli St., right next to the Military Ridge Trail.

Our Address

  • 320 South Main Street
  • Verona, WI 53593

Contact Information

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