Based on your insurance provider and plan, you may or may not be covered. It’s always advisable to contact your provider to determine your benefits and speak to your eye doctor about accepted insurance and vision plans. […]
When Is It Too Late to Treat “Lazy” Eye?
It’s never too late to treat “lazy” eye, but early treatment, ideally before age 7 or 8, is most effective. However, improvements can still be made at any age with the right therapies.
What is Vision Therapy?
The world of ocular care isn’t limited to updating corrective lenses. One of the ways we provide specialty eye care to improve and maintain good ocular health and vision is through vision therapy.
Vision therapy is a helpful and non-invasive approach that aims to improve various visual skills through exercises and activities, including:
Eye tracking
Focus adjustment
Eye coordination
This is done by strengthening brain-eye communication and teaching the eyes how to work together more efficiently.