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Category: Eye Care

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How Often Should My Child Have an Eye Exam?

A young boy wearing a backpack happily points at his glasses

Your children are an invaluable treasure and their health is of critical importance. We also understand that addressing concerns about your child’s eyesight can sometimes be overwhelming. When should they have their first eye exam? How frequently? What if they might need treatment sooner? It’s a lot of questions—and we’re here to support you in […]

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APRIL 27, 2021

Whew!  It’s been an unusual past year.  Many of you have already been working from home or maybe are adjusting to a new hybrid work approach.  Others have school virtually and are now spending more time on screens.  What most people can say is that they are on screens more hours in a day than […]

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MAY 15, 2020

Welcome Back! We are excited to serve you again!  For the past few weeks, we have been training our staff and doctors on new protocols and procedures, as well as doing a soft opening to make sure that we are ready to open up again to see you! We have made some changes to keep you and […]

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MARCH 19, 2020

Greetings, I hope you have been able to stay safe and healthy!  We wanted to update you as this crisis continues.  During the last 6 weeks, we have been taking care of emergency patients and helping those that need contact lenses, broken glasses or other issues that we can take care of by emailing or […]

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MARCH 16, 2020

We want to inform you of the actions we’re taking to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 at Verona Vision Care. We are taking extra precautions to strictly maintain the high standards of cleanliness at Verona Vision Care, and we are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (see infographic below). Although cleanliness […]

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MARCH 2, 2020

March is Eye Workplace Wellness and Safety Month It’s already March of 2020 and this month is Eye Workplace Wellness and Safety Month.  Now, most of us think of eye safety as wearing safety glasses if we are working around flying objects and making sure that we have good sun protection if we are working […]

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