Based on your insurance provider and plan, you may or may not be covered. It’s always advisable to contact your provider to determine your benefits and speak to your eye doctor about accepted insurance and vision plans. […]
Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness?
Dry eyes are prevalent, and while they typically manifest as irritation or discomfort, rare, untreated cases of dry eye can escalate to more serious complications like vision loss and blindness. […]
When Is It Too Late to Treat “Lazy” Eye?
It’s never too late to treat “lazy” eye, but early treatment, ideally before age 7 or 8, is most effective. However, improvements can still be made at any age with the right therapies.
What is Vision Therapy?
The world of ocular care isn’t limited to updating corrective lenses. One of the ways we provide specialty eye care to improve and maintain good ocular health and vision is through vision therapy.
Vision therapy is a helpful and non-invasive approach that aims to improve various visual skills through exercises and activities, including:
Eye tracking
Focus adjustment
Eye coordination
This is done by strengthening brain-eye communication and teaching the eyes how to work together more efficiently.
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
Getting an eye exam can feel like a big task, especially if you’re juggling busy schedules or bringing in a young child. Fortunately, a comprehensive eye exam typically only takes thirty minutes to an hour—though more time can be spent if you have particular needs to be tested or treated.
This time is very well spent, though, as eye exams can help detect issues with your vision before you’ve even noticed a problem. A friendly and trustworthy optometrist can make the time fly by.
Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?
Most people experience dry eyes—that gritty, sandpaper-like feeling beneath your eyelids every time you blink—at some point in their lives. Most people also experience headaches of some kind in their lives. You might even experience both dry eyes and a headache at the same time. But do dry eyes actually cause headaches?
The research suggests that no, dry eyes do not directly cause headaches. However, there are several common situations where dry eyes and headaches have the same root cause—and that’s good news. The team at Verona Vision Care is here to explain. […]
Why Are My Eyes So Dry When I Wake Up?
Dry eyes happen when your body doesn’t produce enough tears or moisture for your eyes. The sensation can feel very unpleasant and in some occasions it can affect a person’s vision. Americans are being diagnosed with dry eye disease in record numbers today and everyday tasks at work and school can be harder if you […]
What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?
When was the last time you had an eye exam? If you’re thinking, “My eyesight’s fine, I don’t need to see my optometrist”—think again. Many people underestimate the power of a simple eye check-up. Your eyes are more than just your window to the world, they’re your doctor’s window to your overall health. Regular eye […]
How Often Should My Child Have an Eye Exam?
Your children are an invaluable treasure and their health is of critical importance. We also understand that addressing concerns about your child’s eyesight can sometimes be overwhelming. When should they have their first eye exam? How frequently? What if they might need treatment sooner? It’s a lot of questions—and we’re here to support you in […]
APRIL 27, 2021
Whew! It’s been an unusual past year. Many of you have already been working from home or maybe are adjusting to a new hybrid work approach. Others have school virtually and are now spending more time on screens. What most people can say is that they are on screens more hours in a day than […]